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Old 10-27-2016, 07:06 PM
Mitchha1550 Mitchha1550 is offline
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Default Introduction

Hello all,

I'm relatively new to the forum and have been popping in occasionally but never introduced myself. I was diagnosed with type II around the beginning of June. I'm 36 and I have a family history of diabetes brother (type I) Dad (type II) so I always knew it was a risk but was never good about watching diet and exercising regularly.

I actually went to the doctor for something else but in running blood tests I asked them to check for diabetes due to the family history. Sure enough, my A1c was 12.6. What a life changer that was. My Dr. put me on Metformin and Lantus once a night but really stressed that due to my age the best treatment would be changing my diet and exercising regularly.

I have to say it was really frustrating at first. It was over two weeks before I got my first reading under 200. I had to throw out everything I thought I knew about food and start over. By the second week in July I had managed to get a pretty good handle on things as we found a good balance of medication and I had found several safe things to eat. My BG average that week was down to 113.

From there I have been working on developing a better lifestyle. I exercise at least 20 minutes a day 5 times a week. That was really hard at first since I was not accustomed to it. It is certainly getting much easier. I check my BG regularly. Before and after meals and before bed. Probably more than I need to but that is what happens when an OCD accountant gets something to track. I have found the estimated A1c for this website matched exactly to my most recent reading at the dr. office. That is largely due to how often I check though but I have decent comfort with the process. About a month ago I got my first "treated" A1c and was happy to find that the changes I had made were working. My A1c was 5.6.

Now I am just focused on expanding my diet and better understanding certain foods and how they impact my body. I am much more active and working on having a healthier lifestyle.

Thanks for reading.
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Old 10-27-2016, 09:20 PM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

Read through the first three threads in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance, if you have not already done so. These threads will most-likely help you a lot. Self education is one of the keys to successful management of your diabetes, along with a healthy / sensible diet and exercise. Basically, diabetes requires a life-style change for the better. Good luck with your control and management.

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