I was diagnosed June 23rd with type 2 diabetes. I had an A1C of 13.6. My dad has it and it has kicked his butt. I knew I didn't want to follow his example. I know I have a lot of years ahead of me (I am 53 next week). But I had my 3 month checkup, and my A1C is now 5.0! I can't express how much the articles at the beginning of this forum have helped me. I argued with my nutritionist. she told me pre meal BG of 70 was too low and I needed to be higher. She told me I needed to have 40 grams of carbs a meal. Also that I needed to be over 140 with my post meal BG readings. I asked her what a healthy range is for BG. She said 70-130. I asked her if damage is done over 140. She agreed. I said then why should I go up to 180 and do damage every day of my life. She said we will see what the Doctor says. I met with him and after I educated him, he agreed with me!!! I take 500 mg morning and night. I exercise 3 times a week. (need to do more). Eat 6 meals a day, lower in carbs, but I do eat carbs, I just choose good carbs (most of the time). I have had probably 5 readings over 140 since a week after I was diagnosed. (once was when Taco Bell gave me a fully loaded Pepsi not a diet, wow it sky rocketed.)
Thank you to those who put the information together in this forum. It has changed my life from doom and gloom from getting diabetes, to being able to feel confident I can own my life and live a long full life free of the problems from high blood sugar. I love my dad, and wish he had this information when he was diagnosed 30 years ago. |
Congratulations on your accomplishment! I wish you continued success!
Regards; Danny ![]() |
Keep up the great work!!!
I have been using Afrezza the new inhaled insulin. Peaks in 10-12 minutes and I can eat what I want when I want. I just take 4 or 8 units of Afrezza when I sit down and start eating. Never had a BG lower than 73. Usually stay in the range of 90-128 and I can eat 120 carbs easily and take only 1 puff of 8 U of Afrezza. It's so easy. My 26 yr old son had T1 and he uses Tourjeo and Afrezza and has never had such great control in 12 Yrs. Fall in love also and live a normal life.
Last edited by dano; 11-07-2016 at 03:00 AM. |
Hi there,
Would you be able to share what and how much you eat? How often, what you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? What to snack, fruit and such...do you walk? What do you drink? I'd love to see my numbers at 5.0! Thank you! |
i was just diagnosised with type 2 on 11-20-15. I'm abit freaked out and do not know where to start...just started meds (pills)...got a glueometer...and bought books to educate myself. I need to fifure out the eating thing....and learn new ways of eating....any suggestions would be grestly apprecited. What are good carbs?
I was diagnosed type 2 a month ago. 11% A1C and a 314 glucose test. The next day I found The End Of Diabetes by Dr Joel Fuhrman. I started his lifestyle the next day. Within three days I had a glucose test of 143. A week later my glucose was testing around 100. When I (mostly) follow his plan my glucose averages 100. I struggled recently with a two week business trip to Amsterdam and had a couple of isolated tests at 170 and 210, but most of the time managed to keep it at 120. One day back home and I'm back at 100.
I've lost 25lbs in that time and have only now started exercising. I am taking no medication and am determined to do whatever I have to to never take medication. Dr. Fuhrman calls the lifestyle "nutritarian" and is essentially vegan. As a huge fan of bbq and meat I never thought I would/could do this. But honestly it hasn't been that difficult. I have strong motivation pushing me to make the changes. Good luck. |
I believe in Dr Furman, have become a vegetarian. Still cannot find vegan substitute for yogurt and ice cream.
I was told 2/2016 that i was type 2 my bs was 550 and a1c was 13.7 I decided this wasn't going to kill me like it did my mom after one month my a1c was 9.7 and my bs is below 200 the doctor put me on medformen 500 mg twice a day and gliczide 5 mg once a day after my last appointment im now on 1000 mg twice a day and 5mg once a day they have me on 45-60 carbs for meals and 15 carbs for snacks the bad thing is i put on 10 lbs so now i need to loss 51 lbs the lowest ive seen so far is 98 as high as 235
Congrats to you!!
I done the same thing.. I hat my diagnostic in january and mine was around 13! After 3 month of my treatment ( metformin and diabeta with lots of exercices and checking my diet) my number was 6% i was really happy! |
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