newly type 1
Hi! I was just diagnosed this past Monday. This week has been a nightmare. I can't get my sugars down but I finally saw a dietician today and have hope! Where is everyone on here from?
Welcome to the Forum!
Test often, learn to count carbs and good luck with your control and management.
Regards; Danny |
I agree! Test, test, test and take insulin according to your doctor's prescription to cover the carbs and any high numbers. You can do it! I've had T1 for almost 49 years.
Hey im in the same boat. Diagnosed last Tuesday, arrived at the ER with a blood sugar level at 591. Got out of the hospital on Friday, and my level is around 240-260 when I wake up to around 150 around lunch. Very scary, insulin before every meal and long lasting shot in the morning. Really sucks, but could be worse you know?