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Old 04-30-2013, 07:22 PM
littlelaineybug littlelaineybug is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2
Red face Just Joined & Downloaded App Yesterday

I just joined Glucose Buddy yesterday and downloaded the app to my smart phone. I already love it! I had thought about getting a nicer meter that you could download your results from to a spreadsheet on the computer, but my insurance doesn't cover the cost of one. This is a perfect solution to my problems. I love how we can print the results and the charts and graphs for the doctor, and it helps me to see how I'm progressing in my management of my diabetes.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2010 and have since not been able to properly care for my two children who are 5 years old. Their father and his parents are caring for them until I can get my blood glucose under control and raise my energy levels. I have a problem with being constantly tired and up until this last month my blood glucose levels had been consistently between 400 and 600 on a daily basis. I have changed my insulin dose, switched to a longer needle, and I have begun a vegetarian diet. Since these switches my blood glucose has come down into the 100s and sometimes it gets up to 200, but it happens rarely anymore. I haven't lost any weight which is a separate goal, but I am happy that my blood glucose levels are coming down.

I am not at the point yet where we are confident that I no longer will need to be supervised with my children for fear of my diabetes, but I'm hoping that I can get to that point at a time very soon.

I am also diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and PTSD.

My next two goals are to loose some weight and gain more energy. I am currently taking a class through my clinic called Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and it is addressing many problems. We have to create an Action Plan weekly and report our progress at our next session. I am finding the changes in my lifestyle to be very beneficial. I had already taken a diabetes education course called Take Charge. I have taken it several times now and I'm getting better every time I go through it at making the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve my goals.

I am also taking part in journaling and personal quiet time on a daily basis to help keep my mental health strong as well. I am under the care of a great counselor and medication doctor at our local mental health facility. I am involved in going to a local church and I attend a Woman's Bible Study Fellowship meeting on Thursdays. I am trying to feed my body, mind, and soul. For those that believe in a higher power, please pray for my success in gaining the ability to have my children with me again and to have a healthy and happy life. Thank you.
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Old 04-30-2013, 08:27 PM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

Read through the first three threads in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance, if you have not already done so. These threads will most-likely help you a lot. Self education is one of the keys to successful management of your diabetes, along with a healthy / sensible diet and exercise. Basically, diabetes requires a life-style change for the better. Good luck with your control, management and your children.

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