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Old 04-23-2013, 12:47 AM
stacey-ann stacey-ann is offline
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Default Need Help and information

Hey, I personally don't suffer from any form of diabetes but my partner does. This post is mainly to get some advice and understanding of what she may be feeling.. We have been together for over a year now and she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in October 2011(she is 24), when we first got together she was great at taking her insulin and checking her blood sugars and I found it so interesting! ..I have gave her all the help and support I can but now she rarely does her injections and she never checks her sugars.. I'm trying to remind her to do it but she just doesn't want to.. It's really worrying me and I really don't know what to do.. She has always got high sugar levels now (33.3+) I decided enough was enough and told her how I felt, we have battled the day and her levels are currently at 6.6 witch is amazing.. But she really ain't feeling well as she ain't had levels that good in about 5 months now.. I just need help understanding what people with diabetes feel (I know everyone is different but I only need a rough explanation) thank you xx
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Old 04-27-2013, 05:16 PM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

"I just need help understanding what people with diabetes feel (I know everyone is different but I only need a rough explanation). Apparently, it would appear that she in denial, is tired of dealing with it or has given up. This happens to almost everyone, at some point, but it is usually a year or two after diagnosis. No one can make your friend deal with her diabetes. Hopefully, she will do this soon and when she gets ready. About all that you can do is express your desire that she take care of herself and be supportive. Sometimes being around other people with diabetes and being able to vent your frustrations to someone that knows where you are coming from really helps. Look for a diabetes support group in your area and figure out a way to get her involved. Just remember that stress will only make her numbers go higher. I wish you luck in dealing with the situation.


Last edited by dano; 04-27-2013 at 05:31 PM.
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Old 05-18-2013, 05:51 AM
markboardman61 markboardman61 is offline
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I went to a diabetes support group and heard from a fabulous woman who ignored her blood sugars in her twenties because it kept her weight down. She did this for many years, until she lots the feeling in her foot and in her thirties had to have her foot amputated.
An extreme case I know, but it brought home to me how important it is to test and control blood sugars.
Support groups are a great help - good luck.
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