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Old 05-27-2012, 12:51 AM
dneal517 dneal517 is offline
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Default Pregnancy with Type 1

My husband and I have recently decided to have a baby. I'm trying to get my glucose levels under control before I get pregnant. I'm actually impressed with myself for how good my blood sugars have been lately. I'm trying to get my insurance to approve me for the CGM pump but we'll see if that happens. Honestly it doesn't sit well with me that what my doctor wants for me is all in the hands of my insurance company. I guess my question is...for the type 1 moms out there, what are the chances of having a healthy baby and a safe pregnancy?
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Old 05-27-2012, 06:59 AM
finator finator is offline
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Default you'll be fine!

I had T1 diabetes for 14 years before discovering my surprise pregnancy. I was in decent control before hand, but obviously not the ideal situation. However, I immediately upped my game, testing 10 times a day or more. Additionally, I did get approved for the CGM (pregnancy is a great persuader for the insurance company), which kept me in much better control. I actually hated the pump and avoided it for years, but decided upon my doc's advice on the MiniMed Paradigm pump w/CGM. I also was monitored by a high-risk ob specializing in diabetes.

My son just turned 3 last month. He is a healthy, happy child. Born c-section 8 lbs 9 oz. I only had mild preclampsia during the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I also gained 50 lbs (but lost it in the same amount of time it took to gain). It's harder now to control my BG, but that's because an active toddler can distract from your own needs. But I'm working on striking a balance.

All the work during the pregnancy (tests, labs, tons of appointments and ultrasounds) was beyond worth it. But as long as you keep your eyes on the goal, I'm sure you'll handle it without (too much) complaining. I know all the monitoring was for my health and the health of my son.

Good luck! Definitely ask your ob/gyn for a recommendation of a high-risk ob, even before you become pregnant for a consult. Maybe that doc can give you an idea of a game plan and how to manage your expectations.
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Old 05-27-2012, 03:52 PM
ttalley ttalley is offline
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I too am on the baby track. You can do it just check with your doctor first and get your A1c sees close to 6.0 as possible the development of the baby is very important with the first three months.

Being diabetic is automatically going to put you with a high risk doctor but make sure that you get the absolute best care. Seeing baby clothes or even my girlfriends babies motivates me even more it's not about me during the pregnancy it's about having a happy healthy child and giving that gift to them. I hope this helps take care Teresa
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Old 05-27-2012, 06:49 PM
dneal517 dneal517 is offline
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Thank you both for your reply. I love this app because it helps me be optimistic that I can do this and have a healthy baby by hearing all of your success stories. I really hope I can get approved for the CGM and at this time, mimimed is running my insurance to see if I'll be covered. My doctor also said pregnancy will help the approval so my fingers are crossed. Injections tend to make my blood sugar bounce around so I know I'd have a tough time keeping it under control. I know my husband and I have a tough road ahead of us but I'm under great medical care. I just need to stay positive and be strict with myself. I guess its just normal to be scared.
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Old 05-28-2012, 04:46 PM
jaggednib jaggednib is offline
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I am T1 and I have 3 kids. I was diagnosed when I was 7, and had my first baby when I was 20. None of my babies were over 8lbs. I was induced, but if I could do it again, I would refuse the induction and see if I could go naturally. I was healthy and my blood glucose was great.
I was seen by a high risk team and an endo team. I have 3 happy, healthy children, ages 9, 4, and 2. I'm almost 30 and I'm trying to lose some weight. Just found paleo/low carb and believe it's the healthiest way to eat, especially for a diabetic mother. Good luck!
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Old 06-30-2012, 04:20 AM
bobbibarry bobbibarry is offline
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I am 29 and have been T1 for 16 years. I have 2 kids, 5years and 7 months and both pregnancies were difficult, but worth it. I was surprised with how many appointments I had, but was happy that I had a lot of ultrasounds. My A1C was usually around 7 the entire pregnancy - and I had to work hard for that! Post pregnancy was quite an adjustment too - my numbers were greatly affected by the hormones, so I am still in that battle! My babies were both healthy and under 8lbs - if your willing to do the work and stay focused, then you absolutely can have healthy pregnancies and babies! Good luck! Enjoy the ride!
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Old 06-30-2012, 08:28 AM
dneal517 dneal517 is offline
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Thank you for the encouragement. My husband and I are trying and I'm starting on the pump July 3rd. My doctors gave me the green light so I have that excited yet nervous feeling. I'm so happy to hear all the success stories from other pregnant mothers. Thanks again for sharing your story. I know now that this this is possible for us
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Old 09-17-2012, 05:03 PM
michelby83 michelby83 is offline
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Hey ladies!

I know this post was done a few months ago but I am also a T1 trying to get ready to have a successful pregnancy. I actually had no idea that my A1C should be around 6, so that's really good to know. I am nowhere near there and have a dr appt next month to get checked out and hopefully get some guidance so we can start trying in January!

I am terrified that my pregnancy will not go smoothly but I think I will be so completely motivated to stay under control to avoid any complications.
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Old 11-24-2012, 04:10 PM
probert81 probert81 is offline
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I have had type 1 diabetes for 27 years! Five months ago I just had my third child.

It is a very difficult process , time consuming and tight control, but totally worth it!

You are automatically a high risk and most likely you will have a bigger baby. Depending in control and you history and body, you could very well have a very healthy baby.

All 3 of mine were 8-9 pound babies and 2 were briefly in nicu. I did NOT have a c section, but it was a possibility for sure. They all were induced early. With my first I was hypertension and pre eclampsia , but had zero problems with the other 2.

It is best to start healthy with a low A1 C. The tighter control and healthier you are that much better . It really is a lot of work and about five times the amount of doc visits, but completely doable.

My diabetes was the best control when I was pregnant!
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Old 12-03-2012, 11:26 AM
dmveteran dmveteran is offline
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Good steady bs are the key. I have a 5yr old. When I was pregnant I was 22 & had type 1 for 12yrs at that time. Healthy pregnancy gained 60 lbs. at 38wks my dr insisted an induction was best. I didn't want it but thought it was best. The dr tried twice to induce labor at 38 wks & 38.4wks but both failed. My cervix wasn't ready. Then labor came on at 39wks on its own. Labor was 38hrs long and cervix was only at 5cm. 10cm you're ready to push. Docs wouldn't feed me during labor to keep a steady bs, I was tired & so I had a csection. My son was healthy weighing 6lbs 10oz. He's had no health issues. I healed great after the c section. Ive always maintained an A1c of 6.0. If I could do it all over again I wouldn't be induced. I might have also snuck a snack or two here n there. Lol. It was impossible to not eat for 38 hours and have strength and energy for labor.
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