New here!
Hi all! I just recently found out that I am expecting baby #8. I have had GD with all of my pregnancies. I didn't have any trouble with blood sugar levels during my first 4 pregnancies but started having trouble during the last 3, fairly early on and ending up on glyburide each time. After my 7th pregnancy, the GD didn't go away. So now, I'm starting off pregnancy 8 with diabetes and having a very hard time controlling my blood sugar levels...even when I eat exactly as I should. I don't go in for my first appt until December 22, and that appt is just with a midwife...not my actual OB, so I'm not sure if I should call his nurse and tell her that I'm already having trouble with my blood sugar levels or not. I'm not sure if it matters waiting another couple of weeks. Does anyone know if my blood sugar levels being so high during the first few weeks would cause any harm to my baby?