hello - not sure if I belong here
I've been tracking my blood glucose for a little while...haven't been formally diagnosed with anything but I seem to run low frequently, so I am trying this new approach to feeling better. Staying away from sugars and starches and it definitely helps me feel better (but I sure miss them!). A friend who is knowledgeable in this area said I am probably a reactive hypoglycemic. When I eat something starchy my BG spikes up high, then drops down really quickly and I feel terrible. So I'm just trying to get a better idea of how my body works. Hoping I can learn more from you folks here!
Welcome to the Forum!
I hope you find the answer that you are looking for and I wish you the best.
Regards; Danny |
Hey welcome, I'm pretty new here myself. I've had type 2 for about 3.5-4 years now. However I've only recently began to take it more seriously and track my bg rather than just take metformin.
I'm interaested to tlk and ask ppl how and to eat better to get my bg down and lose some weight as my bg is always between 9.5 & 17.5. It's rare to see it below 7. So for any advice I would be very thankful. |
Welcome to the Forum!
Read and learn all you can about your condition. Start with the first three posts in the T2 Section. Good luck with your control and management.
Regards; Danny |