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Old 04-18-2010, 11:04 PM
hadunn hadunn is offline
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Default Sugar goes up after workout

What or why does my sugar count go up after I workout. Nothing to eat or drink before workout. Will check with doctor when I see next time. Any one else with this happening?
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Old 04-19-2010, 10:13 PM
julio julio is offline
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No my goes down and I take protein before and after.
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Old 04-20-2010, 01:37 AM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

Read the part in this post about "release of glycogen and adrenaline are the cause of the blood sugar increase ("fight or flight" response)."

I hope that it answers your question.

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Old 05-04-2010, 12:52 PM
minto2k minto2k is offline
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I play football/soccer three times a week and run a few times a week also. My sugar use varies depending on the time of day and more recently the weather conditions have started to become more of a factor than I remember when I was younger.

I have just used trial & error to work out how much (or sometimes how little carbs/sugar I need before exercising). Sorry I can't be more helpful, but at least you know its not just you!

Keep up the training!
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Old 05-27-2010, 01:45 AM
rebmetpes rebmetpes is offline
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I am new to the forum and I am happy to find this site because it contains very useful tools and information for diabetics.

I am a type 2 diabetic and I started to test my blood sugar after workouts. ( I lift weights and mountain bike). I did not test my sugar levels before after work out because I assume that exercise will always lower one's blood sugar but I was surprised that it did the opposite, it was 128 before my workout and 144 after.

I am also experiencing increase in my sugar levels during sleep. My blood sugar is higher out of bed than it was before I went to bed.

Is the increase of blod sugar after workout harmful?
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:32 PM
ngodier ngodier is offline
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Originally Posted by rebmetpes View Post
I am also experiencing increase in my sugar levels during sleep. My blood sugar is higher out of bed than it was before I went to bed.
You may find the answer here : Why Is Blood Sugar Highest in the Morning?

I've been asking the same question since day 1 I was diagnose and I finally got the answer ^^
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Old 05-29-2010, 04:52 AM
acktennislady acktennislady is offline
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Default working out and sugar

Type 2 here and work out alot. I find that intense work outs- I play squash and tennis- tends to bring me a higher reading post work out than say 30 minutes on the bike and weights. I have been working out with a trainer and we test after every work out. I also work with a sports physiologist at a leading treament center in Boston and have been given a target range for post work out blood sugar. I fall with in that range 95% of the time. Also remember that not all factors are equal every time you work out. For example, what you ate that day, when you ate, how much movement occured during the day-did you sit at your desk all day or walk around at work. Did anything stressful occur, all of these factors can effect blood sugar. I am still trying to figure out the best pre-work snack to keep me going, and I have found that it varies based also on time of day when I am working out. If I play tennis early in the morning, I have my usual breakfast of about 20 carbs,ans still may need a glucose tablet or two half way thru the match (jelly beans actually work well also-jelly bellys 1 carb each). If I work out after work, I have a pure protien bar (one with a net carb count of 10-12) about 4 oclock before I head off to play squash(which does give me my highest sugar usually about 150-160)
If I am not playing squash, but doing gym my post bs is usually120-130
As everything with this "wonderful" disease, it is always a work in progress. But as my doctor tells me, keep moving as much as you can because it's great for your heart and your weight.
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:38 PM
crz crz is offline
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It's also called a (false sugar) made by your body when heavy workouts are done. You need insulin to take the sugars to your muscles to get burned up. During a hard workout your body produces false sugars to keep up with the insulin produced. Since we don't produce our own insulin anymore our BS will go high. Since I'm a type1 I eat something *before my workouts and take a bit more insulin then I normaly would. At the same time if my body does not produce the sugar I could go very low. Never did happen to me yet. Testing your blood sugar often before/ during/ after workouts is recomended. As long as you bring your Blood sugar down as fast as you can after a workout it's not bad. *****Because it's a false sugar and you worked out cut your insulin down half or more then you would normaly take for blood sugar that high. * *
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