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Old 01-09-2012, 06:49 PM
sascha.martin sascha.martin is offline
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Default Advice

I am a 20 year old type one diabetic. I have been dealing with this disease for over half my life. When I was younger my doctors called me the poster chil for diabetes because I was always on track. Since about age 17 I began to loose control of my diabetes. Forgetting to take insulin, refusing to test my blood sugar and for some reason I have not been able to get out of this phase. Ive seen doctors and councilors but nothin really seems to help. This problem has landed me in the hospital on many occasions. I think that a big problem for me is that ive never really known any other diabetic, someone to relate to. So Im trying to make a change and be the diabetic I know I can be. So if anyone has some advice or some helpful tricks youve use and are willing to share. I think it would be very helpful to talk to a mote experienced diabetic. Thanks all!
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Old 01-09-2012, 07:37 PM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

I can't give you the exact information that you requested, but I can steer you toward others that are having the same or similar problems. The first is here and the second is here. There are several more in the Type 1 Section, but those have stuck with me. Perhaps you can help each other. Good luck in finding the answer.

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Old 01-09-2012, 07:56 PM
sascha.martin sascha.martin is offline
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Thanks a lot. I an hoping for this to connect me to some diabetics that are going through or have been through this before.
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Old 01-09-2012, 08:12 PM
dano dano is offline
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You are Welcome!

Give us some additional / helpful information about yourself. You may want to provide and introduction in the "Introduce Yourself as a Glucose Buddy Section".

Have you seen an Endocrinologist and a Nutritionist?
What delivery method do you use for insulin? (Pump or MDI)
What type of insulin are you taking?
Are you counting carbs to calculate your bolus injection?

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Old 02-07-2012, 05:02 AM
PinkKatiexo PinkKatiexo is offline
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You must have read my mind! I'm twenty years old, and have had type one since I was 9. I have hit the "diabetes burnout". I went to camps when I was younger it was great but now I'm in college, working a couple jobs and trying to figure out who I am and manage this disease as best as I can! It sucks, it's hard and it's tiresome. Going to diabetic support groups have helped me alot but I still struggle. Having diabetic friends is awesome! I am writing on here in hopes of meeting more people with diabetes and being able to say today sucks my bs is out of control and for someone to be able to say I understand (and truely understand) and don't give me the guilt trip. Anyways nice to meet you!! I'm Kathleen
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Old 03-24-2012, 05:26 AM
awesomandi awesomandi is offline
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I'm 30, diabetic for 16 years. The only time since I was younger u had perfect control was during my pregnancy. It's not easy. And it's never fair to see everyone else eat and drink whatever whenever without a care in the world. I feel your pain.
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Old 03-29-2012, 06:23 PM
marybethc marybethc is offline
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I am so glad that I found this cause I have been in the same boat! I don't know much people with diabetes only my husbands grandfathers but they are much older then I am! I can relate to them but we don't see them much. I am 26 a mother of 2 beautiful kids! For the most part my blood sugar has been so/so! I really watched it when I was pregnant but after I had my daughter whose 4 now I completely fell through! I didn't watch what I was eating not checking my bs!! I was also diagnosed with post partum depression so I do believe that is my biggest problem on not wanting to take care of myself! But now I am watching what I am eating I am checking my bs 6x daily! The reasoning for that is I want I live longer for my husband and babies I don't want some other lady raising my babies! I want to see them grow up and I want to do stuff with them and my husband so I made a promise to myself that I was going to start taking care of my self again for my families sake! It's hard being a diabetic but you can live longer if you take care of it
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Old 06-19-2012, 12:23 AM
blessed3 blessed3 is offline
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I'm a 27 year old w type since I was 9. I don't know a single person in Indy that's my age that has diabetes. I wish I did! Just someone to relate and vent to. My name is Andrea. Let's all vent!
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Old 06-19-2012, 07:55 PM
dano dano is offline
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This website may help you all find a support group in your area. Good luck!

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Old 07-11-2012, 08:58 AM
cjones14 cjones14 is offline
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Thank you for sharing! So glad to read these posts and see that others are feeling exactly the same as me--I'm not alone!! I am twenty years old and have had T1 since I was 10 months old. I reached the burnout phase as a high school student but my control has really been bad the past 2 years or so. It seems like nothing I do is correct. I run high consistently but have occasional episodes of hypo. I'm afraid to exercise. Many times I feel low but my numbers are actually over 300. Diabetes has never felt so impossible. I would love to connect with others- those who genuinely understand and can empathize!
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