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Old 06-26-2012, 04:49 PM
mia14 mia14 is offline
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Default I'm new and in shock!

I am 29 weeks pregnant with my second son and got diagnosed yesterday. I didn't see this coming as I didn't have it with my first son but now I'm 34 so not sure if that's why. I've had a lot of issues with this pregnancy so finding this out too just overwhelms me. I'm worried about my baby bringing okay and not struggling with breathing when he's born. Any advice or success stories welcomed!
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:21 PM
barbsjodin barbsjodin is offline
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I was 34 and had this with my first child and I have it again now at 36 with my second. I was Freaked! I read a lot and made sure I followed the diet and she is perfect. I am having a harder time controlling my levels with this one but just do a lot of eggs, proteins, salads/veggies and Sarah lee 45 calorie bread with peanut butter was my best friend your baby will be fine now that you are aware
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Old 07-04-2012, 12:49 AM
irene41 irene41 is offline
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Hello ladies . My name is Irene, I am 30 & nearly 29 weeks pg with my 2nd. I was just recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes too, did not have it with my son 11 yrs ago. Do you ladies know of a website that provides recipes or possibly an app? Good luck to us all, although I'm faithful God will look out for our babies & ourselves esp if we follow diet..
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Old 07-23-2012, 06:35 AM
ascgirly ascgirly is offline
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I am 33 and 32 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I was not completely surprised when I was diagnosed. I have diabetes in my immediate family. I've been pretty good with my numbers but I'm so tired of eggs and cheese. Please let me know if there are any alternatives. I would give anything for a bowl of sugary cereal and milk right now.
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Old 07-24-2012, 01:57 PM is offline
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I have had two babies with GD and thy are both healthy. The only issue when they are born is sometimes there sugar is low. Nursing or formula cures that pretty quickly. I eat cereal and milk for my bed time snack. That way I get my cereal fix and have protein from the milk. You can eat pancakes and other foods for breakfast too. I will make scrambled eggs for the protein and instead of bread, have two pancakes with a little syrup. You just have to read the labels and read the book they give you with the amount if carb servings.
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Old 07-29-2012, 02:31 AM
humminbird612 humminbird612 is offline
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I found out a week ago that I had gd. This is my 2nd pregnancy. I am totally freaked out. My levels at pretty much between 90-116. I have only had a couple higher then that. I was wondering if anyone also has PCOS and if that has anything to do with it. I have cut out all white starches and sugar. It has been really hard. With this one all I want it coke icee and double stuff Oreos. Anyone have any suggestions one subs for those?
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:39 AM
davidrachel davidrachel is offline
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Thank you for sharing !
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Old 08-09-2012, 03:52 AM
celmer celmer is offline
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So this is my 4th pregnancy and 2nd go at gestational debates. I had it with my first pregnancy and now this one. The first one I was on insulin almost right after finding out I had it. To be honest 10 years ago they didn't have the information like the do now on how it effects your baby... So I didn't even really try to control anything then. But this time around I've done awesome with diet control! I was told closer to my due date that because my body will need more insulin I will most likely be placed on insulin. I was told its because the hormones in the body interfere with the production of extra insulin. Anyway, so now I'm 37 weeks and just started on insulin today. I mention this because with my first child I was 19 with this one I'm 30 I really don't think the age has too much to do with the way we produce insulin. Exercise does help a ton to keep you bg lower! Also some one asked about a really good site for recipes... I have an awesome one that I found. I was so excited to find it because it make me feel like I could eat regular food again... You know food with flavor lol anyway here is the site... I hope I helped some one on here
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Old 04-02-2013, 01:20 AM
mrseggs mrseggs is offline
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I am on my 2nd pregnancy with GD. As far as the PCOS question, I was diagnosed with it prior to to my 2nd pregnancy. While there could be a correlation, I know several with PCOS but not GD and vice versa
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Old 06-12-2013, 10:42 PM
jilliemu jilliemu is offline
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I totally know how you feel! I'm 34 and am 33 weeks pregnant. I was diagnosed just over 5 weeks ago and have been following the diet plan exactly (no splurges whatsoever!), and still get a few high numbers. Each time, it devastates me because I worry that I am doing damage to my baby, even though I am very actively trying not to. My doctor has been very happy with my numbers (even with a few high numbers here and there), but over the last 5 days, I have had 3 high numbers with one 2-hour post-meal number being 140 - the highest it has been! I am frustrated because I am doing what I was told - sticking to my carb numbers, exercising, and when I still get high numbers, I don't know what to do. My husband is supportive and says that I am doing great and I shouldn't let it affect me like it does, but one number can ruin your day! I think part of it is that the diabetes education class I went to at my doctor's office was more like a "scared straight" intervention than education. I was already worried about the baby, but that has really had an effect on me.
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