Originally Posted by mommatodriguez
3 hour test So my fasting numbers were 93 but one hour into test it was 285 is that really high i know its a failed level. I have been on a no carb no sugar diet for days too.
Originally Posted by mommatodriguez
245 at hour 2 and 198 at hour 3
Yes, that is extremely high. Ranges for blood glucose levels (bgl) should be between 70-90 fasting, less than 140 after 1 hour, less than 120 after 2 hours, etc... it should drop.
My results were: 70 fasting, 155 -1 hr, 188-2hr,163-3hr. Mine actually spiked after the 2 hr mark. The results were for the 100g test, and should have been under 140 and dropped.
You should be tracking all that you eat and monitoring your carb intake. Do NOT cut carbs out, you just need to maintain a steady level of carbs throughout the day. And carbs = sugar. So don't just cut sugar.
Have you been to a dietician for help on this yet?