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Old 04-01-2010, 02:58 PM
hypoconsequence_blog hypoconsequence_blog is offline
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Default PAX: Diabetically Speaking

Anytime I go on a trip lasting more than a day I have to be very meticulous with my packing RE: Diabetes. Numbers matter when it comes down to how many pen needles to bring, estimating how many test strips I will be using, about how much insulin I will be using along with how I will treat any lows that may try to ruin the fun. The one rule I have when it comes to packing is that my Diabetes medication always stays within arms reach. If I'm only packing a small bag for a weekend excursion, I'll have a small plastic bag with everything I need easily accessible. If I'm packing a duffel bag or something larger then the medication stays in a backpack that doesn't leave my side. I'm sure something like that is a no-brainer to most of you reading this, but for the few reading this with functioning pancreases: my insulin never leaves my side. Period.

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