Newbie - Why is gram my only measurement option for food?
I was in a minor car accident where I was rear-ended. As a result my L4 in my back was fractured causing severe nerve pain in my feet. I was put on a horrible drug to manage the pain which does it's job, but I have horrible side affects. I have had an awful run for about 3 months.
Two weeks ago I was hospitalized with a blood infection and blood sugar levels over 360. The docs at the hospital did the HaC1 test and I was 9%. Of which none of this means anything to me because I can't get into my PCP or the specialist to have it explained to me. I've researched it online and it's not good that mine is 9%. I'm supposed to be on insulin, but can't get into a dr to see it through.
Regardless, now I have Diabetes Type 2. I was told by one dr that I was type 1 because I had gestational diabetes and I'll need insulin once I can get into a doctor. Who knows - I surely don't as none of this makes any sense to me.
I'm 5'11" a buck fifty and prior to the accident I was very active. I eat like I should and take exceptional care of my body. It really doesn't add up why I have diabetes. I'll be honest, I'm bitter very bitter about it all and blame the accident and the drug. Now I crave sweets - which I never really had a sweet tooth.
Why is gram my only measurement option for food in the app?