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Old 01-01-2017, 11:29 PM
ronnni ronnni is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 4
Default Managing type 2 with Diet and Exercise

Hi all. Happy New Year!

I have just been diagnosed with type 2 and I want to say thank you for all the great information I've found here. There is so much to learn and this page has been so helpful.

I am currently recording my glucose in the morning after fasting, and 2 hours after dinner and also keeping a food diary. I will then take all this info back to my dr in a month. I'm hoping to avoid medication and control my diabetes with diet and exercise.

Over the last week, my morning reading has averaged 6.4 (115) and my after dinner 5.8 (103). Is there anyone else that controls their diabetes without medication and what kind of numbers do you aim for?
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