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Old 01-29-2011, 01:35 PM
dpawley dpawley is offline
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Thumbs up BG Monitoring Variations Question

I was using the Bayer Contour and saw as most of you did wildly varying readings even when taking seconds apart. Yes I cleaned my hands with alcohol for awhile and let them dry, but it was drying my skin out too much, so just use soap and warm water now, be sure to give ample time to let your skin dry after washing. In some tests I even used the same blood sample and still got varying results. So I switched to the ACCU-CHEK Aviva. This meter and strips have been excellent, not usually varying more than 5 or less, even if I switch fingers or hands. And the strips take noticeably less blood as the blood is sucked into the strip more easily and quickly. And with the savings card that came with the meter I get 50% savings on my test strips off my co-pay, which makes them quite economical.
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