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Old 02-06-2010, 07:30 PM
pixyt pixyt is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Posts: 7
Unhappy Hard time dealing with diabetes

I am 33years old and I have type 2 diabetes and I am really having a hard time dealing with it.
I am over weight and I have really made drastic life style changes I now cycle regularly and if I can not get on my bike I go for long walks. But the weight was not shifting till about three months ago when I started to lose weight and I am now 18kg down.
I went to our local diabetes centre this week and I was told that I am only losing weight because the insulin was not getting into my system ( a combination of injecting wrong and using the wrong needles) and that I will probably gain weight again!
It really just makes me want to cry I feel like I am caught in a catch 22 situation.
I need to lose weight to help control my sugar but the Insulin that is suppose to help me will make me gain weight?
I really feel like stop using insulin period have high blood sugar at least I will lose weight.
I know how insane I sound but I just feel so hopeless at the moment. I eat right I watch my carb intake and I exercise but still my A1C came back at 15.7.
I am just really feeling very down about it
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