Thread: New to Diabetes
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Old 12-21-2010, 11:10 PM
diva diva is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 4

Hi Joe
I too come from a strong hx of diabetes in family. Mother was insulin-dependent for years. There were 5 kids and each one developed it in their 40's. Two are deceased now, I am the worst. Being a nurse I would monitor my BS even before diagnosis. In 2000 I presented to ER in DKA. Was told I would never leave the hospital but I did after a long hospitalization and rehab. All my organs had shut down but I escaped dialysis. I have 2 son and was always telling them to check their sugars often and get A1c done. Well we all know that young people think that they are invincible, I received a call from my oldest about 2 months ago to tell me that he had joined the club. When asked what did he mean was told had BS over 500 and didn't know until a physical on the job. Maybe now they will believe what mom tells them. He is doing so well now on Metformin 2x a day and eating right. No highs so far, I think what I have been going through put a scare in him and hopefully the other one.
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