Thread: New to Diabetes
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Old 12-15-2010, 04:22 PM
andrealuplow andrealuplow is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 8

Hi Joe,
My name is Andrea, and I feel the same as you, as far as the "blessing" of finding out what it is that has been making me feel lousy for the past few months (who knows how long for sure). I am really glad that I was diagnosed when I was, because it could have been so much worse. When I was diagnosed, my BG was the same as yours, then after I got the meter, but before I could get the Metformin, it jumped up to 477.
I hope you were able to get your glucose reading to a good level. I am still working on mine. I have been following a low carb diet, and excercising every night (walking) and it is still in the 150 range most of the time, but steadily decreasing.
Keep up the good work, and good luck to you!
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