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Old 01-28-2010, 06:26 PM
dano dano is offline
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Default Exercise --> Will it work for you?

The answer is YES!!!!!!

Most people, especially those just recently diagnosed, with Type II (T2) Diabetes are usually mentally overwhelmed with questions concerning this disease. Your Doctor has probably told you if you need to lose weight, by all means please take your Doctor’s advice. Your Doctor has most likely told you that the medications will only take you part way and that the rest is up to you.

Exercise is one of the most important ways to fight off the high blood glucose levels, associated with Type II (T2) Diabetes. Exercise doesn’t mean that you will have to immediately go out and join a health club. It doesn’t mean that you will have to buy special equipment. The only thing that it does require is that you put forth some effort. Here are a few ways that you can get some of your exercise: When you go shopping don’t circle the parking lot, for an hour, trying to get the parking spot in front of the door. Park in the parking spot, farthest away from the door, and walk. This not only protects your car from being hit by other cars and shopping carts, it gives you exercise. When you go into a building that has several floors, especially those with an elevator, take the stairs. When there are inclement weather conditions or when you are at the Mall, walk several laps around the inside of the Mall in front of the store fronts. Notice all the other people doing the same thing that you are doing.

If you want to get really serious about walking, as your exercise, then I urge you to go out and buy a pedometer. A good one will cost you approximately $25. Wear this device all day long, usually on your belt, it will help you keep track of your steps. Set your goal for 10,000 steps per day. That sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Remember that you are going to wear this all day long. The number of steps that I take in a normal day is approximately 3,500. This means that I only have to get another 6,500 steps in, after dinner and before bedtime, as this equates to approximately three (3) miles with my average “step” gate.

Exercise will help you lose weight and help to lower your blood pressure as well. Get off the couch and get some exercise. It won't hurt you and it will actually make you feel better. I hope this helps to motivate you to take care of yourself. We are all in this together!


Last edited by dano; 01-28-2010 at 09:09 PM.
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