Thread: metformin
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Old 01-15-2016, 02:58 AM
kathytonylowry kathytonylowry is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 1

I have been taking metformin for 2 years now. At first diarrhea was horrible. I was able to discover that if I ate "real meat" chicken beef or pork depending on which of these meats I ate determined when the diarrhea started 15 min guaranteed with beef. 30 with pork or chicken. Once you determine what causes your metformin and diarrhea combination you can help lower your reaction frequency tremendously. I also recommend lean crusine pre packaged meals to make carb counting easier. I have been on it twice a day for a week and half and my numbers have decreased from avg 179-233 in the mornings to 145! And have lost 8 lbs. taking in an average of 150 carbs a day
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