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Old 06-22-2010, 09:01 PM
sfisher272 sfisher272 is offline
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 24
Lightbulb Default Values needed

I'm not sure how others are using GB, but my meds, are almost always the same doses. the food I eat I tend to eat in the same sizes, and I tend to walk the same distance around the park every day.

So even though I have the same egg white "egg mc muffin" for breakfast 4 out of 5 days a week I have to enter the same carbs each time, the same 500 mg metformin, 80 mg Diovan, 40 mg Zocor each and every morning, the same 60 min walk (3 miles if the units ever get added.) etc...

What I could really use when defining the med, food, and activity entries is a default value for them, that I can change when adding them to the log if needed every now and then but otherwise just uses the default value.

Just another one of those feature suggestions of mine.
PS Just in case there is a difference, I make all my entries from the iTouch.
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