Thread: mouth wash
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Old 07-17-2013, 01:29 PM
TammyStierwalt TammyStierwalt is offline
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Ok so I read this post and decided to do my own test. I tested my fasting morning BG yesterday and it was 114 and I went and brushed my teeth and used Listerine Total and 45 minutes later my BG was 127 (still fasting). So my 1st thought was your right! So today I checked my fasting morning BG and it was 125 I waited another hour (still fasting) and I DIDN'T brush my teeth OR use the Listerine yet and my glucose was still rising, it went up to 142! Almost 20 points and I've not put anything in my mouth yet!! So I'm not convinced that its the mouthwash. Anyone have any idea why my BG is still rising upon waking up?
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