Wanted: Guest Posters Needed!
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06-07-2010, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 88
Wanted: Guest Posters Needed!
At the end of this month, I’ll be going to Florida for the Roche Diabetes Social Media Summit and then immediately flying to Oregon to meet with vendors and celebrate the Fourth of July. *I’m really looking forward to these two trips, but traveling makes blogging pretty tricky. I hate leaving the blog silent for too long (and when I do, I always feel really guilty about it) so I’m looking to feature some awesome guest writers for Lemonade Life.
That’s where you come in!
Whether you’re a current blogger, wannabe blogger or just a reader who wants to share their story on my blog, I would love to have you! No theme is required – yo can be a diabetes blogger, twentysomething blogger, travel blogger, or not a blogger at all! Just get in touch with me via email and we can chat about what you have in mind to write about. If you have any questions, please let me know. Look forward to hearing from you!
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