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Old 03-16-2013, 01:54 PM
rundad rundad is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 5
Default Is Metformin a permanent part of my life?

I was diagnosed T2 6 months ago. Since then, I have lost 26 pounds, gotten off BP meds and acid reducers and I feel great. My A1c was 8.3 at diagnosis. It is down to 4.9 here on GB and it was 5.6 at my last lab(3 months ago). I am on 500 ml of regular release Metformin once a day with breakfast. Is it possible to be med free somewhere down the road. I watch my diet very closely, but am NOT doing anything extreme with diet. I run 30 miles a week and am in the best shape if my life. Anyone here graduated from meds?
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