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Old 03-13-2013, 03:03 PM
type1rachelle type1rachelle is offline
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ha! I used to do Muay Thai as well - lots of fun! well, then you might find some helpful insight in this book: She talks about carbs and stress hormones during exercise a lot, and it's an oldie but a goodie.

did you titrate up on the Symlin gradually? I think you're supposed to start with 2u for 3 days, then 5u for 3 days, etc. I didn't have any issues with nausea, but I know that's a common side effect. might be worth trying again? maybe you can titrate up even slower? I also read somewhere that T1s who don't need to lose weight don't really need to be on anything above 5u (30mcg) - the higher doses might make you nauseous and have this constant "full" feeling... the manufacturer is actually trying to market it as a weight loss drug now.

2 sites for the pump and CGM is a piece of cake for me. I don't even notice them anymore, and I consider it a very small price to pay for being able to see my BGs trending - totally worth it. But again, that's just me. As for the pump, I took mine off for 2 hours at a time at my wedding as well

can I ask how long you've been T1? you might be the first person I've ever met that went back to injections after being on the pump. which pump were you on and for how long? I don't find being connected to it to be a hassle at all - I take it off whenever I want and it's very simple, the infusion set is tiny, and I enjoy having tighter control, not having to do the math in my head, and only having to inject myself once every 3-4 days for the infusion set, and once every 7 days for the CGM. but again, that's just me - everyone is different and I know plenty of people who have tight control on injections too.

can I ask why you switched from Humalog to Apidra?

end of year sounds like a reasonable goal - I'm wishing you luck on getting that A1c down! I definitely want a kid in the next 5 years and am trying to get my A1c down lower as well. It's tough but so worth it from what I hear.
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