Hi Rachelle,
Thank you for the thoughtful response. Can I bring you to my next Endo appointment? hehe.
I was previously on symlin but hated the side effects. I started out at 2 units and gradually (over the course of a 5 weeks) worked up to 10 units. It made me very nauseous though. However, i'd be willing to try it again.
How do you feel having 2 sites with the insulin pump and CGM?
My husband and I are hoping that everything will be "good to go" to start trying to conceive by the end of the year, however if we have to wait a bit in order to have the healthiest pregnancy possible, that's OK too.
I used to be on Humalog, recently switched to Apidra. I like it so far.
My only issue with exercise first thing in the AM is that I LOVE kickboxing and unfortunately the schedule at my gym is not conducive for me to go first thing. Dang job, getting in the way of my workouts!