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Old 06-02-2010, 07:15 PM
minto2k minto2k is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Belfast, Ireland
Posts: 17

Since updating to 3.3 the main features of the app have worked impeccably. However the bugs associated with the Forum feature, documented previously by others, continue to exist for me.

In addition to the bugs above, I cannot view a multi page discussion, eg. only page 1 of 2 can be viewed. When I select the arrow tab to go to page 2 of 2 I get an "Error 404" message. Anyone else getting this?

The app has also started to freeze and crash this evening, when trying to access the forum.

Jeff, I hope the comments are useful. The main purpose of the app is still brilliant! and I hope the social element is back up and running to its full potential soon...
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