welcome! this is why it's no longer called "juvenile diabetes" since it is known to affect people of ALL ages. it wasn't too long ago that your diagnosis (T1 or T2) was almost completely dependent on your age.
I'm glad you were diagnosed without going into diabetic ketoacidosis - sounds like you and your Dr caught it in time.
My advice? I know it's depressing, but you and T1 are in it for the long haul. Try not to get so caught up on perfect numbers in the beginning - there's a very real condition called "diabetes burnout" and you want to create habits that will stick so go slow - you will most likely not get complications from a few high A1cs, they're just numbers and nobody is perfect.
It's great that your wife is T2 so you guys will both strive to eat healthier meals, and she can tell you first hand her experiences with it. Just keep in mind, however, that you're on insulin so you'll naturally experience more lows eventually as you gain tighter control. Glucose tablets are your friend
Familiarize yourself with terms such as "Dawn Phenomenon" "Somogyi Effect" and "Honeymoon Period" as it relates to T1... educate yourself as much as possible and get out there and meet other T1s so you don't feel so isolated. Check out some local JDRF groups perhaps?
At the end of the day, if you care for yourself, it's not a death sentence, it's just a pain in the @ss. And in reality, you might even become a little bit thankful by how in tune with your body you'll become.
welcome to the tribe!