Thread: New 56 y/o T1
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Old 03-02-2013, 02:46 PM
chaplainscott chaplainscott is offline
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Default New 56 y/o T1

At 56 I was shocked to have a sudden onset diagnosis of T1 just last week. I was symptomatic for a few weeks and just assumed it would turn out to be T2, like my wife has. It was a bit unnerving to go to the doc for a diet and oral med plan, only to leave with a bag full of needles and a stick pen! I went in with BG ranging from the high 300s to over 500 and an A1C of 9.2 (it was 5.6 in October). I'm waiting for the results of some other blood tests, but have started a daily insulin regimen and a fairly strict diet (self-imposed). Unfortunately my BG levels are about the same as a week ago, and I have two more weeks before my follow-up visit at the doc's. So, still learning, beginning the process, looking forward to better management. Thanks for being there!
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