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Old 02-06-2013, 11:03 PM
jdbii jdbii is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 3
Default GB alternative for androids users

Technically this is off topic, but I am new to GB, and unfortunately an android user. The lack of two-way sync just doesn't make it practical to use GB.

I wish android device .csv files could at least be exported by type of log (i.e., just exporting BG or meds or food) rather than having logs with different types all lumped together into one .csv file. Even without two-way syncing it'd be much easier to manage and edit manually. You might have 10 different entries with 4 types of logs for 1 day and its impossible to cut and past and separate and organize all from one Excel document.

What other tools out there (free or paid) work for people who don't have IOS devices but able to keep logs synced between different devices.

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