Joining from Kentucky
I've been reading the forums for a while, figured I may as well introduce myself.
I have type II, diagnosed in 2003. After trying several options I ended up using NovoLog to keep it under control. The Diabetes was caused from being on Prednisone for almost 25 years. Eventually by rearranging my Prednisone dosage and eventually going off it I was able to go completely off diabetes meds for a few years. I knew it would not be forever.
Recently my levels have been jumping much higher than I want them to be. I went back in this week and am now back on NovoLog. My choice. I take a lot of different meds, and with the Insulin I can control my levels exactly how I want them to be. One advantage to having been on insulin before is that I already understood the impact, and knew that not only is it possible to live a normal life with insulin, but also that in some cases it may make more sends to use instead of other treatment options.
The GB app has been great. Even the Dr was impressed last week with the printouts and data I had gathered prior to going in.