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Old 01-11-2013, 07:37 AM
Aprilbfunny Aprilbfunny is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 4

There was a time when I was in better control and between getting more physical work out from my job I blacked out twice. Both times I could not tell you what I did but my sister and a friend who was also diabetic. Apparently you really do act like a drunk. My sister said I kept getting up and grinning then sitting back down and was a little loopy. Also, my nights were low enough that when my parents tried to wake me up...I wouldn't. My Mom told me that my Dad stood me up and I would just crumble to the floor. He slapped me and father is a pretty big guy too. My Mom finally called a former doctor. I don't know what caused it but when I was in the hospital, we always got a snack before bed. Half a sandwich and a diet soda. That may help, but I'm not sure what caused the black outs. My lowest BG that I know of.. 32 so maybe I was lower than that. I'm trying the snack thing at night again now. Please let me know how you are doing tho. I know it was a scary time for my family and the doctor said I was close to slipping into a diabetic coma. Be careful...and maybe talk to an endo doctor
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