Originally Posted by dano
I believe that you have this backwards, as "After Walking" is the first listed on the wheel. I suppose that you could use "Before Activity" instead of "Before Walking".
OK, you're right "After Walking" is there, and not the "Before Walking" I can't use "Before/After Activity" for that because I use those to indicate when I go to the restroom.

Everything else I stated applies in my original note except Before and After are reversed.
The point wasn't that there was a work around (of kinds, after I realized the problem and deleted,and re-entered, the data points to change the wheel) but to point out the bug so it can get fixed.
What I'd really like to do is to be able to add my own entries to the wheel, and the software be able to plot the data points based on those entries like before and after meals. The "testing in pairs" option is OK as far as it goes, but why not make it integral for the entries on the wheel? You choose the Wheel entries you want to see plotted / or the statistics for them.
While We're on the subject I don't really understand the hoopla around the "Testing in Pairs" section. My Doctor and Nutritionist have had me recording my Glucose readings in pairs for the past 8-9 years since I was diagnosed. Testing in pairs is how I take my normal readings. Others don't do that by default?

That's why I think it should just be integrated into the whole app as I suggested above, using the entries on the wheel to track the ones your interested in at any time, not just when you've remembered/"had time" to make a separate entry in the testing in pairs separate section.