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Old 01-23-2010, 06:31 PM
midnightdust midnightdust is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 4
Default Wheat Pasta Alternatives

I love it. However, I have a hard time eating whole wheat pasta because of the texture so I started looking for different solutions. I found a couple that my boyfriend and I live off of. I get ok texture and he is able to maintain good sugar levels.

* Spaghetti Squash is amazing. Once you mix it with your favorite spaghetti sauce you don't even notice the squash taste. I served this beef stroganoff and my boyfriend loved it! 1 cup is 10g of carbohydrates, 75 calories and full of good nutrients.

How to prepare it:
Preheat the oven to 375. Slice the squash length wise, and then remove all the seeds. Brush the inside with olive oil and place on a cooking sheet flesh side down. Cook for around 30-40min. After pulling your halves from the oven, separate the strands by scrapping a fork from stem to stem. You can either move your strands to a bowl or dump your sauce into the handy bowl shaped squash rind.

* House-foods make Shirataki and Konnyaku noodles. Shirataki noodles are made from tofu but it doesn't have that tofu taste. Each bag contains 8g of carbs. For more info take a look at the house-foods website. They have many styles including angel hair and fettuccine. Konnyaku noodles are made from yam flour and each package has anywhere between 8g - 10g of carbs depending on which type you get. Both of these noodles are great for stir fry’s or even with spaghetti sauce. They require little preparation too. Really there isn't much to do with these noodles...except, they smell pretty bad when you open them up. The first time I used them, I thought I got a bad batch but I quickly realized they just stink. To get rid of the smell, I boil the noodles with a teaspoon of garlic powder for 5 minutes.

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