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Old 10-26-2012, 01:46 PM
2twisty 2twisty is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 21
Default GlucoseBuddy Diabetes Tracking Report Generator v1.1

GlucoseBuddy Diabetes Tracking Report Generator v1.1 is ready for release!

GlucoseBuddy Diabetes Tracking Report Generator v1.1

I plan to make some changes in the next version (1.2) that should return the report back to being printed on letter sized paper. This should also improve compatibility with the UK users that print on A4. So bear with the Legal sized printout for a little bit and I'll get it back to a more compatible state.

1.1 (10/26/2012) Change log

bug (fixed): Does not clear all data fields from report, which can lead to improper data in the report
bug (fixed): Does not display all header rows on new pages

added: Allow for split doses of long-acting insulin.
added: add columns to "Fasting" to allow additional data
added: Allow for fast insulin during "Fasting" and "BedTime"
added: Add columns to support "During Night" readings
added: Widen report from 11" to 14" and include overnight and after bed data, adjust font sizes as needed
added: add support for long-acting insulin in the morning
added: add verboseErrors variable so that conflicts and other non-critical errors can be suppressed.

changed: Change title from “Diabetic” to “Diabetes Tracking;” some people find the word Diabetic to be offensive.
changed: import additional data for new columns, and add to the report generation routine
changed: include AgencyFB font files and instructions for installation
changed: Make required user input more obvious - prevent clicking of the generate report button until requirements are met.
changed: Change headers to use the actual names of the long and short acting insulins for better clarity
changed: speed up report formatting steps to improve performance

Last edited by 2twisty; 10-26-2012 at 02:19 PM.
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