This spammer is killing me... ugh ^^^
Anyway. lol Have you been tracking the carbs you get at each meal? You can't cut carbs completely, because then you cause other issues. You need to keep your carbs at 2 servings at breakfast, 3-4 servings lunch and dinner, and 1 serving for each snack. Eat every 2-3 hours and test frequently until you know how certain foods affect you (i.e. if I eat white bread I spike, wheat bread does not). Eating complex carbs and fiber with protein in each meal helps to digest the sugar. Have you seen a dietician?
Hope I don't sound preachy.. lol, I have been reading like a mad person and my best friend is a registered dietician, so I have a direct source on this.
I'm with you though, I can't wait to stop pricking my fingers!! And after this baby is born I am having a large piece of chocolate cake!!!