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noblenote 10-19-2010 01:39 PM

Synch Limitations
A great app!!
The Synch appears to be a one-way operation from the iPhone/iPad GB App to the Web. Is this a correct assumption? If so, when do you think that two-way functionality may be available?
Also, deleting an item on the iPhone/iPad GB App doesn't appear to perform an equivalent delete operation on the corresponding web account. Is this a correct assumption?
It might be worth having a message on the web page stating that addition of new entries is unwise, if a user is using the GB Apple App...just a thought!
Many thanks...

dano 10-19-2010 05:11 PM

You are correct on all accounts!

Your question may be better answered by doing a tag search on "sync". :)

melor 10-29-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by noblenote (Post 2360)
A great app!!
The Synch appears to be a one-way operation from the iPhone/iPad GB App to the Web. Is this a correct assumption? If so, when do you think that two-way functionality may be available?
Also, deleting an item on the iPhone/iPad GB App doesn't appear to perform an equivalent delete operation on the corresponding web account. Is this a correct assumption?
It might be worth having a message on the web page stating that addition of new entries is unwise, if a user is using the GB Apple App...just a thought!
Many thanks...

I too discovered this limitation. One way data xfer is a deal breaker for me! Also, accidentally entered after walking instead of waking on iPad and cannot delete or edit that entry on the iPad.

Hope to discover both these issues fixed in the near future.

By the way, I think calling the send data to website a "Quick Sync" is not accurate as they are not in synchrony. You should call it submit new data or something that reflects what it is actually doing.


dano 10-29-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by melor (Post 2455)
By the way, I think calling the send data to website a "Quick Sync" is not accurate as they are not in synchrony. You should call it submit new data or something that reflects what it is actually doing.

The two-way sync should be fixed in the next GlucoseBuddy update, projected at the end of October, as previously mentioned in other threads.

pat3332 11-14-2010 10:30 AM

A little late. I had 1 day's data on my iPhone and 1 weeks data on line since it is easier to enter the data. I just synced my iPhone app and guess what happened. Terrific. 1 weeks data just disappeared.

I'll be using something else.

msmoreles 11-24-2010 06:48 AM

Same problem.

This is NOT quick sync! I lost all of my data (unless I want to go back and redue it all manually! :rolleyes:)

Wonderful!! :(

swortz 12-22-2010 07:52 PM

so ... logs from the iPhone get pushed to the Web site, but logs from the Web site don't go back to the iPhone?

That's not cool ... is it going to be changed soon?

dano 12-22-2010 08:13 PM

See post #5 & #8. 12-30-2010 08:12 PM

I just ran across this also in version 3.5.5
I just movedfrom Ipod gen 3 to gen 4. I uploaded all my data to website using sync. It all appears there...yeah! But now I can't get it back to the gen 4 ipod. No problem I can wait for new release. After all the app is free!

docclem 01-09-2011 08:35 PM

Sync Shortcomings
Hey Guys you got a great start. I am looking forward to two way sync of data.

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