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bkhmd 09-24-2010 10:40 PM

Pen Case
Anyone have any ideas on pen cooling cases? I travel a significant amount and would like to be able to keep 3 pens safe and cool. I have seen several on the web but was wondering if anyone has used them and your thoughts good or bad.

dano 10-05-2010 11:51 AM

Yes, there are a couple of threads on this. You can do a tag search on "cooler" or go to this thread:

Here is the bag that I use.
Note: Call Patti about the bags, currently she has two different ones that are not shown on the website.

Here is the insulin cooler that I use.
Note: Other coolers are available on the website for those that don't use the pens.

I hope the information helps!

Thank you for the links on these items. I have been looking for a discrete way to carry my equipment while keeping it cool. Whoever came up with these ideas is a godsend. It makes managing things a lot easier.

bkhmd 10-06-2010 11:39 AM

Thanks, Ordered the case and the cooler.

dano 10-06-2010 12:03 PM

Good deal! You will really like them, they are top notch. :D

tybirdtybird 01-22-2011 08:31 PM

I just saw one at Walmart where the meter at. It have a small disk you put in your freezer . I bet the case will hold at least two pens.

Look for a small freezer pack. And or get a small cooler and get one of the packs.

dano 01-22-2011 09:52 PM

Why mess with ice, when you can accomplish the same thing with plain tap water?

tybirdtybird 01-23-2011 02:07 PM

It's not ice . It's freezer pack that you get for the cooler. I'm not for sure the name you call it. It's a blue color. You can reuse it by just refreeze it. They sell them everywhere.

dano 01-23-2011 06:23 PM

Yes, I know - jell pack, freezable, available at WalMart. I have been there and done that. You still must have access to a freezer. Many times I don't have the freezer on the road. Trust me - ice sucks! Water works best for me - just saying. Your results may vary.....

littleprincess 03-17-2011 09:43 AM

Hi all - I have just ordered the Frio duo and I'm really looking forward to the freedom gained with this - have struggled to keep the insulin alive this summer!
Has anyone seen the dison fridge? Looks awesome! There is also a new one being released in June called the iFridge - cool! The cost of getting the dison is 350 new Zealand dollars delivered though - does not fit budget.

dano 03-17-2011 11:53 AM

You will like the Frio, especially at less than one tenth the price of the iFridge. :)

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