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gma2ruby 07-09-2010 06:07 PM

Problems with Med feature
I log the meds I use every time. But my logs don't show the meds and when I go online and click on Medicine, it just thinks I want to add a log entry. Am I using this feature wrong? My doc wants to know this info and the only way I can see the info is if I just write it in under the Notes section. Because I can't make the Meds section work, I'm hesitant to purchase the Blood Pressure module, afraid it won't show up on my logs either. But my doc really wants a record of my BPs too.

I really enjoy using GB but all I can see are my BG readings and the notes.

Thanks for any suggestions and help. ~Anita

redrevis 07-10-2010 08:29 AM

The section were the A1c Blood Glucose Medicine etc is, is only to add logs. Above it you'll see 'Graphs' There it will show you all the info you need. Or you can click 'My Logs' to the left of it to see all the logs you've entered.

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