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Hannah54 06-27-2010 09:35 PM

BG Monitoring Variations Question
Do any of you know why you can take 2 bg readings within one minute of each other (without having ingested anything, and see differences of 15-20 pts.? I am guessing that maybe this is a test strip issue?

dano 06-27-2010 10:04 PM

Yes, this happens all the time. You can take blood sugar readings, one after another, and probably never get the same reading. The best blood sugar meters on the market are still only within 10% to 20% accurate. This is just one of the many problems with having diabetes. The world of technology is still lagging for us.

Hannah54 06-27-2010 10:33 PM

Well I can only hope that it is overestimating my blood sugar readings then. But I can see how this could be a real problem for some...when the numbers are that far off and you are depwnding on them to register highs accuratelt, and lows accurately. Being type 2 lows almost never happen for me. Had a couple of lows before I was diagnosed however...and they were not fun...

Thanks Dano!

sfisher272 06-28-2010 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hannah54 (Post 1597)
Do any of you know why you can take 2 bg readings within one minute of each other (without having ingested anything, and see differences of 15-20 pts.? I am guessing that maybe this is a test strip issue?

Asking one of the more obvious questions... you did clean your hands first? you can pick up all kinds of invisible contaminates. I keep Alcohol Swabs at the ready, and get pretty consistent readings.


Hannah54 06-29-2010 01:15 AM

Yes...It is the norm for me ti wash my hands first. Also - I did mot touch anything foodlike in the 1 minute between the first and second readings. 

sfisher272 06-29-2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Hannah54 (Post 1616)
Yes...It is the norm for me ti wash my hands first. Also - I did mot touch anything foodlike in the 1 minute between the first and second readings. 

OK, then I'm at a loss. I use the accu-check compact plus, and I just took 2 readings no more than 10 minutes apart... the first was 118 and the second was 117. The Compact Plus uses a drum of 17 strips at a time, that the meter automatically fetches, never touched by human hands. (The whole unit is self-contained including the lance, which is what I like) maybe that makes a difference some how.


Hannah54 06-30-2010 01:53 PM

thanks for your reply Steve
Thanks for taking a moment to reply to my post, Steve. My strips have been in some hot and humid temps lately. Figured that maybe the strips are starting to go. It's a thought. I have a One Touch Select (which is new). Yours sounds terrific!

janeann 12-13-2010 10:50 PM

Steve. I also use the Accu-check plus using strips in a drum. Do you find an occasional strip that won't accept blood in adequate quantity? I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a strip issue... And I don't wash my hands.... Sounds gross to admit and I guess I'll start using my antibacterial goo

zuccherofan 12-18-2010 10:45 PM

The nutritionist told me that using alcohol based products (hand sanitizer, alcohol swabs, etc.), have the ability to alter a result. She recommended I wash w/ regular soap & water & I'm careful handling the strips. I use OneTouch Ultra Mini & so far, I've not had any out of the ordinary results. 

dpawley 01-29-2011 01:35 PM

BG Monitoring Variations Question
I was using the Bayer Contour and saw as most of you did wildly varying readings even when taking seconds apart. Yes I cleaned my hands with alcohol for awhile and let them dry, but it was drying my skin out too much, so just use soap and warm water now, be sure to give ample time to let your skin dry after washing. In some tests I even used the same blood sample and still got varying results. So I switched to the ACCU-CHEK Aviva. This meter and strips have been excellent, not usually varying more than 5 or less, even if I switch fingers or hands. And the strips take noticeably less blood as the blood is sucked into the strip more easily and quickly. And with the savings card that came with the meter I get 50% savings on my test strips off my co-pay, which makes them quite economical.

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