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krs123 07-26-2015 06:04 PM

"Dawn Effect"
Does anyone have a good understanding of the "dawn effect" on diabetes? My glucose level at bedtime is app. 100; next morning after fasting overnight it is app. 200.

dano 07-27-2015 12:14 AM

You can find several other posts concerning the "dawn effect" by doing a tag search on "Dawn Phenomenon", see the tag below or use this link if you need more information. It is commonly referred to as the "Dawn Phenomenon" and it can be very discouraging. Try to get your fasting levels down to between 70 & 99. You also may want to go back and see what you had for dinner last night. A thirty (30) minute walk after dinner and before bed time may help.

Some people find that eating a handful of almonds before bed helps with "Dawn Phenomenon". Good luck with your control and management.

shahfaid 08-24-2015 08:38 AM

I think you should search the Google for your desire result.Thank you.

sallyannkeefe 09-27-2015 04:46 AM

I have found that a glass of wine before bed keeps my sugars good throughout the night.

Gillygirl1 12-05-2015 12:42 PM

I personally believe it has nothing to do with eating or not eating at night. I can go to bed with around 100 and, as this morning, wake with a 250. I sleep with a cpap and still don't always sleep well.

sarahmero 12-16-2015 07:14 PM

The dawn effect is where your liver dumps stored glucose because your fasting. The liver stores sugar as a backup when glucose is low, as in time of fasting. Daily exercise and certain medications help a lot! I've done research on this when doctors had no idea 15 years ago why my blood sugar was so high in the mornings.
One interesting fact I found was that if you exercise (cardio-walking is great) 22 minutes that will use the fast glucose in your blood. After 22 minutes, then you start to burn the stored liver glucose. That's how exercise will help lower your AM glucose.

thinkley 02-17-2016 07:15 AM

I had this same problem. For me, exercising in the evening (on a regular basis). Helps. My fasting sugar is still my highest of the day. But now at least it is in the 120 range instead of 200 or 280 range. The more fit I become, the lower my bg is.

sradabau 10-14-2016 10:22 AM

Drinking some ACV with Stevia and tea before bed ha s helped me a lot. Fasting sugars went from over 150 to around 105.

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