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sfisher272 06-16-2010 03:54 PM

Feature Request, Activities
Its nice that you can track my activities... but apparently on my iTouch, I can only enter the minutes. I prefer tracking things, like my walking, by distance measurements (Miles in the US). Of course, if I could track the miles and the time it took at the same time, even better. :)


dano 06-16-2010 05:27 PM

Can you not set up an activity for Walking (miles)? I currently have my activity set up for Walking (mins). It looks as if you can set up the activity to be anything that you want it to be, atleast on the iPhone.

dano 06-17-2010 02:46 AM

Thanks for the info Jeff.

I just took a more in depth look at that and noticed that the default is in minutes.

sfisher272 06-17-2010 05:39 PM

You had me going there, I thought maybe, I missed something, or it was just my iTouch :)

Danny,Not only the defult is in minutes, but there are no other units available on the iTouch can you see other units on the iPhone?

dano 06-17-2010 06:03 PM


I had orignally thought that I had keyed the walking (mins) in, but it appears that this is the default.

I did not see any other units available, other than minutes, on the iPhone as well.

dano 06-17-2010 06:25 PM

I suppose the units will key on the types of activities added. Walking, Running, Jogging, Swimming, Racing etc. :D

kmitchell 06-22-2010 11:02 PM

Could one of the units be "steps"? My doctor loves the fact that I'm now wearing a pedometer everyday and committed to 10,000 steps per day. It would be great to track this and show him what happens when I don't make my daily goal.


sfisher272 06-23-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by jneitzel (Post 1478)
Yup, it's just minutes (mins) & nothing else at present on all devices.

So, what kind of distance units do you all think would be best?

Kilometers, Miles, Laps (for swimmers or race-car drivers :)), ..., <others_that_may_be_useful?>

Yes, there is at least 1 race-car-driving human w/ type 1 diabetes (Charlie Kimball) .. Weehee :D

I'd like decifeet or millimiles if you can I'm only partially commited to SI units. :)

ozcon 06-30-2010 04:20 AM

Suggested tweaks to graphs
The quality of the in app graphics is what attracted me to your iphone app. Many of the competing apps have very ugly and garish colours particularly when displaying graphs.

Just a couple of suggestions to improve the usability of your graph of BG results:
  • make the y axis variable (set by user) or optimised to the data that is being presented. If a user's BG values are pretty stable most of the graph is unused and the entries are very close together. This makes it more difficult to interpret small variations.
  • add an option to switch between the current display of low/average/high and an event based display. If the user tests at a standard time or event (eg before breakfast) it would be helpful to see how the BG values are changing at that event from day to day.

Thanks again for a great app

farfelonius 12-06-2010 11:18 PM

Oh miles please - I use trailguru, so I could do just about anything - but I am all about how far I have traveled...

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