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sfisher272 06-04-2010 02:49 PM

I'd Pay for GB if...
Id,pay for GB if it meant I'd get acknowledgements/ status reports from support about the bug's / misunderstandings / suggestions I submit. Now it's like venting down a dark hole. :(:mad:

It seems the attitude now is: Its free, so what do you have to complain about."You get what you get." but accu-check is tied into this somehow aren't they? Seems the link is on their site. God knows I pay enough for their test strips.

A list of changes / fixes would be appreciated when there is a new release for the iTouch/iPhone App as well.

Name your price

dano 06-04-2010 03:35 PM


There was previously a list of bugs and fixes here. The page has not been updated since 02/08/2010. Update information is available on FaceBook and Twitter. You can get Twitter updates via SMS by texting glucosebuddy to 40404 in the United States.

I think the fact that the GB App is free is GREAT! I don't use the Accu-Check products, therefore, I agree to disagree.

sfisher272 06-04-2010 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by dano (Post 1256)

There was previously a list of bugs and fixes here. The page has not been updated since 02/08/2010. Update information is available on FaceBook and Twitter. You can get Twitter updates via SMS by texting glucosebuddy to 40404 in the United States.

I think the fact that the GB App is free is GREAT! I don't use the Accu-Check products, therefore, I agree to disagree.

Of course, I neither use FaceBook or Twitter. From what I've heard from reliable sources FaceBook has serious privacy issues. and twitter i just haven't had time for. This forum should be all I need.

sfisher272 06-05-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by jneitzel (Post 1262)

Perhaps you assume too much about GB. It is difficult, if not impossible, to interpret attitude. At best, you can interpret behavior. Assumptions get us all nowhere fast in this world.

When you leave multiple posts over 2 weeks time in a couple of threads with no response what so ever, one has nothing left but assumptions. :(


Originally Posted by jneitzel (Post 1262)

Perhaps there is a valid reason why you have not received responses? You said something about "venting". Generally, this is not a good way to get responses from anybody anywhere on any topic IMO (especially via email). No offense intended.

NOTE: I do not do support email; I respond on the forum when there is reason to do so.


1) As you can tell from my other posts in the forum ( had you read them ) I don't normally vent, and yet I got no responses until I did say something here in this thread. My analogy was that I might as well be yelling down a hole for all the good it was doing, not that I was doing it anywhere.

2) The only email I've sent stated the problem I have deleting an experiment, and that from my observation I couldn't see that anyone in support was reading the forum. There wasn't any venting so to speak.

3) Is this venting? I think I've been pretty civil myself. Now I'm going to go back and respond to the (finally) new messages in my original thread. :)

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