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no1texan 05-07-2013 08:31 AM

Diabetes 2 several years - now serious about controlling
Greetings from Texas:)

I have had diabetes 2 for several years but only now getting serious in controlling and reducing it. Got a referral to the local Diabetes Management Center, part of the local hospital. Had initial visit last week and May 23 will participate in 6 hour training session along with my wife. She is coming along to learn along with me especially with the cooking, etc. She is already very much up-to-date on what I can and cannot eat and cooks accordingly. She is a big help and support.

Having problem getting enough blood for my glucose test. Use Contour Meter and Microlet lancets.

Live in Houston, Texas, retired aerospace accountant (still working part-time), hobby is hand crafting wood art.

dano 05-07-2013 11:21 AM

Welcome to the Forum! :)

I am glad that you are taking the-bull-by-the-horns. In reference to the problem getting enough blood, for your glucose test, make sure that you wash your hands well with warm water & soap and dry your hands well before the test. The warm water will help make the blood flow more easily.

Read through the first three threads in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance, if you have not already done so. These threads will most-likely help you a lot. Self education is one of the keys to successful management of your diabetes, along with a healthy / sensible diet and exercise. Basically, diabetes requires a life-style change for the better. Good luck with your control and management.

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