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tamifoell 04-02-2012 10:19 PM

Pumping on the river?
I'm a novice river rafter and absolutely love it! My question is has anyone found a way to keep your pump dry while rafting? I've used a plastic baggie zipped as closed as it will go with my tube sticking out, but not exactly waterproof! I also know the MiniMed is supposed to be somewhat waterproof, but I hate to take the chance of ruining it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

hydraulic 05-11-2012 10:38 AM

Indulin Pumps In the river
I was thinking about the same process.Can we use the pumps while we are rafting in the river.As it is very difficult to do rafting in great flow of the river.Its a very thrilling event but pumps can make it easy.

convert pdf to epub 09-13-2012 05:10 PM

I bought an Aquapac for my Minimed pump. It is pricey and somewhat bulky but has never failed me. I've worn it kayaking, swimming and at the beach.

sarabetes 10-09-2012 01:10 PM

I went WWR this summer and I used a water proof case for my pump. I would connect while we were on "calm" water and take it off during the rapids. The animas is water proof and I can't wait to get it so I don't have to take the pump on and off. The water proof case I got cost about $12 and I got it from REI

superskye 10-20-2012 05:46 AM

I've killed more than one Minimed pump with water (one in a rainy marathon, and one in a lake, and the third with just plain old sweat) so that 'sorta waterproof' line of thinking can work, but I sure wouldn't bet on it anymore....

On that note though, I have had much recent success using a case from Sealline with a roll top closure meant for phones and small electronics. It's soft-sided so I can push all the buttons and has a window so I can see the screen. Best of all I got it for $14 at Whole Earth.

psdmedic 12-01-2012 02:54 PM

I'm an avid scuba diver and swimmer. I just disconnect anytime I'm in water simply because I and exerting a lot of energy and burning sugar so if I keep my pump on I don't wanna risk having a low episode and not being able to get anything to bump me back up. When I'm done I put it back on and do a CBG and normally it's within normal limits.

type1rachelle 02-01-2013 09:04 PM

this is why I'm on the Animas - only waterproof pump on the market.

Medtronic buttons would get "stuck" even by sweating on it a little - so frustrating!

I tried everything too - from covering it in plastic, to sticking it in a ziploc, etc.

It's worth noting that maybe you could give yourself a bolus for an hour or two in advance and then just take the thing off for a couple of hours at a time?

That's what I'd do when I ran since I'd usually suspend it anyway since I go low when I run for over 45-60mins.

Now I just wear my Animas and sweat all over the thing... I've even worn it during snorkeling in Thailand and that was cool :)

blondiesuzmum 02-02-2013 12:23 AM

I have Aqua-pack from Mini-med and have gone river rafting with no problems.

tls 03-05-2013 08:02 AM

I got my insulet pod for this reason(kayaking) I can swim with it on & no tubes!!!

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