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jmcsharmalarm 01-02-2012 05:45 AM

Can I monitor my child's reading with my iphone?
I downloaded Glucose Buddy for my son and we have been tracking his BG levels. Is there a way that his iphone can be synched with my iphone so that I can monitor his levels while I am not with him? I have purchased the add ons.

dano 01-02-2012 12:47 PM

Yes, I believe this to be true. If you purchased the two-way-sync, then you should have all that you need. Install the GB App on your iPhone and use the same user name and password, that you used for his device and the website. In the settings; 2 way sync; set to ON (Download & Upload) on both iPhones.

I don't use multiple devices, but several people do use them. Perhaps one of them will chime in and post on your thread.

drewlangworthy 01-06-2012 12:05 AM

I just purchased the 2-way just to do exactly that.... My son is a brand new onset type 1 I wanted to sync his iTouch 4 with my iPhone... It does not appear to do it... :-(

jmcsharmalarm 01-06-2012 03:02 PM

Mine still doesn't and I've sent 2 emails to support with no reply.

dano 01-06-2012 03:20 PM

I am sorry to hear that. If it is any consolation, they don't answer my PM's either. Maybe we can muddle through this.

Can you two-way-sync with at least your son's iPhone?

Is the user name and password the same on all devices?

Is 2 way sync; set to ON (Download & Upload)?

Did you have a WiFi connection when you tried the two-way-sync?

jmcsharmalarm 01-06-2012 09:55 PM

His information is on the website now after we reinstalled GB on his phone. I still cannot get it To synch with my phone even using wifi and the same acct and password. My phone just tells me I have no data Maybe it doesn't synch btwn two phones is it is on the website, maybe the website counts as the second synch. I'f that's the case I'm really disappointed as I need to keep a close eye on his data. This was the main reason we chose GB.

dano 01-06-2012 10:31 PM

The two-way-sync is between the website and the phone. However, it is my understanding that you can view the website information after he upload its. If the two-way-sync is on his iPhone he should be able to send his information back and forth. I don't know exactly how it works, but there are several users using the iPhone, iTouch and the iPad in unison.

Are you using the "Sync All Logs" under the "Settings" pull down?

Are all the apple products (iPhones in your case) in one name with iTunes? If they are, then iTunes knows that you purchased the two-way-sync and you can purchase it again, on your iPhone, and you won't be charge for the second installation. This I know will give you access to all data, via the web.

Another option is to check the website, since the data is there after he uploads it. It may not be the best option, I am just thinking out loud.

jmcsharmalarm 01-07-2012 09:34 PM

Dano you are awesome! I got his info on my phone. It gives me so much peace of mind to be able to monitor him easily. GB should out you on their payroll. They still never answered THANK YOU!

dano 01-08-2012 03:20 AM

You are Welcome! :) I am glad that you got it to work. :D

For others that are following this thread.

1. I assume that the two-way-sync was on your iPhone instead of your son's iPhone.
2. I assume that the "Sync All Logs", under the "Settings" pull down, was the key to your success.

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