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ronnni 01-01-2017 11:29 PM

Managing type 2 with Diet and Exercise
Hi all. Happy New Year! :)

I have just been diagnosed with type 2 and I want to say thank you for all the great information I've found here. There is so much to learn and this page has been so helpful.

I am currently recording my glucose in the morning after fasting, and 2 hours after dinner and also keeping a food diary. I will then take all this info back to my dr in a month. I'm hoping to avoid medication and control my diabetes with diet and exercise.

Over the last week, my morning reading has averaged 6.4 (115) and my after dinner 5.8 (103). Is there anyone else that controls their diabetes without medication and what kind of numbers do you aim for?

never2manybooks 01-15-2017 07:57 PM

I sadly do not anymore but a lot of people can. My sister is off all medications and keeping 5.6-5.8 a1c. She has done this for about 3 years after having surgery. She also eats much better. Exercise used to do the trick for me. I walked everyday. Made a big difference. Best wishes

PatSea 03-16-2017 12:27 PM

I controlled my toe 2 for many years with food and diet. I went on oral meds and was able to keep it under control until the last couple of years. Suddenly I was not able to do it any more and went on insulin. (I stopped Glyberide also)
I wish I would have gone on insulin a couple of years ago now instead of dealing with the effects of pills. I am slowly losing weight using the same diet I have been doing for years. I also do not have the nausea with insulin that all the polls have me. I look forward to reducing other meds in the near future (bp, ect)

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