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JessLaine 12-13-2010 10:47 PM

Newly Diagnosed and Confused
Hi all, my name is Jess and I was diagnosed with type 2 a week ago. :o

I feel like I've been left hanging. My gyno called me on Thursday and said "Your blood tests came back and you have diabetes. I'm going to prescribe Metformin. We have made an appointment with you to see an Endo January 23rd" ...
And that was it.

I feel so scared, sad, lost, confused.

So here I am, not knowing what I'm doing but trying!

dano 12-14-2010 01:30 AM

Welcome to the Forum, Jess! :)

Start by reading through the Blood Sugar 101 thread in the T2 Section. If you have questions, just ask. The majority of us have been where you are at.

JessLaine 12-14-2010 01:36 PM

Thanks Dano :)
I started reading through it last night and it's the first website I've come across that made sense to me.

I'm sure I will have plenty of questions!

dano 12-14-2010 01:45 PM

Good deal! :D

Good luck with your control and management! :)

dessymichelle 12-16-2010 03:09 PM

I just got diagnosed a month ago, I am set up for a diabetes self Managment class at the local diabetes center... They are also having me consult with a dietitian, and all of it is covered by insurance!! I am pretty scared to eat anything half the time and the other half the time I don't care!! (so horrible) I hope this will be helpful for me, possibly you could look into something like that too?

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