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mymickee 12-07-2010 04:29 AM

Weight Gain from Insulin
I lost 25 pounds with the onset of my diabetes. My doctors told me I would gain back 16 - 25 pounds as I respond to insulin. Does anyone know if the weight gain will stop at 25? :confused: This probably sounds awful, but losing 25 pounds and 4 1/2" from my stomach was the only positive thing about this illness. Gaining weight with insulin seems counter-productive to weight loss goals. My doctor said the Metformin, I just started taking today, will keep my weight down. I hope so.

dano 12-07-2010 01:37 PM

The gaining of the weight back may not stop at 25. The weight loss issue is more difficult for some than others. Living with Diabetes is basically a lifestyle change for the better. This lifestyle change is something that many of us should have implemented years ago. Good luck with your weight loss, I hope that it works well for you. :)

mymickee 12-08-2010 04:26 AM

I appreciate your candor, Dano. It's great having this forum to chat about things I would otherwise keep to myself. Thanks!

dano 12-08-2010 01:12 PM

You are welcome! :D Good luck!

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